




Vermin c. BT 498 Arthropods c. BT 497 Vertebrate c. BT 497


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Animals are defined by tri-criterial classification as any organism which is capable of powered locomotion, or according to evolutionary classification as any second generation laboratorius organism conceptually evolved from the idea of a plant which can autonomously move or spread its influence by means other than growth. By either of these definitions ‘animal’ is an umbrella term which includes a great deal of organisms.

Within evolutionary classification the animal taxon is succeeded by 4 groups; vermin, fish, amphibia, and synapsids. Vermin are animals which lack internal skeletal structures. Fish are characterized by their entirely aquatic lifestyles. Amphibia are moist-skinned animals which undergo metamorphosis. Synapsids are animals defined by their specially adapted placental structures.


Animals would see their inception into history during the God-War, conceptually being created convergently by multiple Gods. Stars like Carbonprint and the Mitosis Star System detail the creation and iteration that occurred. Animals would quickly become adopted by numerous Gods, spreading across the Plane at unprecedented speeds.

The idea and use of animals would be adapted and iterated upon for the rest of the war. Creations like the Organisms of Mass Destruction, Humans, and Elves would shake up the war, and even cause some Gods to question the morality of what they were doing.

The creation of dwarves in 426bt would be the first time an organism came into existence without the help of a God. This event would lead to the creation of the Dwarven Star System in which Gods would investigate and discuss the creation and legality of the situation.

In 388bt the first Demi-God would be born, a half-God half-mortal, Josh Soundson, son of Dwarf Soundwife and the God of Sound. Soundson would not be the last Demi-God, eventually leading to the Fourth God Council and the passing of the Relations Act, stopping Gods from feeling for mortals emotionally.

Animals, and notably intelligent organisms, would inadvertently lead to the end of the God-War. Tensions had been rising for the last 150 years of the war and the death of the God of Sodium Ethyl Xanthate by the hands of Charles Lightningson alongside the death of First Elven Elder would lead to the creation of the Plea Star and eventually the signing of the Harmonic Treaty

As per the terms of the Harmonic Treaty Gods would reduce interference with organisms to a minimum, giving all organisms freedom to roam the Plane. In the coming century after the war many animals would go extinct because of inability to adapt to the new world and its complex ecosystems.


Animals are classified by their powered locomotion across both evolutionary and tri-criterial classification, although also classified as having evolutionary evolved from the idea of plants according to evolutionary classification. Within tri-criterial classification animals may be further organized based on their diet and historical niche. Evolutionary classification takes a different route, and divides animals into 4 taxa, being vermin, fish, amphibia, and synapsids.

Sapient Relations

All sapients are classified as animals by both tri-criterial classification and evolutionary classification, but are commonly referenced or referred to as separate. While this is not the case, sapients still have a rocky relationship with other animals.

Sapients have historically hunted a number of animals to extinction, but have also domesticated a great deal of animals. Many animals are theorized by biologists to go extinct within the century, and declining populations have become more noticeable and drastic.

Domestication of some animals began as early as the Mid-War Epoch of the God-War. It is theorized the first animals were domesticated by humans for use as livestock or for companionship.

See Also