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The Repetitive Crystal System is a star system created around in the year 118bt. The host star, the Half-life Star, was created by the God of Plutonium prior to their fight with the God of Time. Plutonium, upset with Time’s inaction regarding the half-life of many elements, would attempt to confront Time. The host star would be created by Plutonium to explain their stance on the situation. The fight would be initiated by Time, tackling Plutonium into the ground the Southern Crater Scape would be created. splitting the North from the South.

The two’s fight would lead to the flooding of the system, with many Gods agreeing with the points Plutonium made regarding the rights of elements. The explosion of the system and acknowledgement of Plutonium’s points would lead to the passing of the Spatial Act. The fight would also indirectly lead to the death of Josh Soundson, which would cause the holding of the Sixth God Council. Altogether, the Half-Life System was a majorly influential system in ending the God-War.


Notable Stars

Famous Translations

Also see