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The Iteration Period is a short period from the God-War Era defined by historians as having began in 523bt with the creation of the first plant by the God of Hydrogen Cyanide and ending in 440bt with the holding of the second God Council and the passing of the Creations Act. The iteration period is characterized by the iteration process Gods underwent as they created new organisms. The period would see the rise of nearly all plants and animals which exist in the modern day.


The first God Council would be the spark that would light the fire in Hydrogen Cyanides mind. Documented in the First Crater System a fight dispute between the God of Carbon and God of Calcium would lead to the creation of the Great Oceanic Crater. The fight, having disrupted much of the northern Planes ongoings in the early war, would cause much debate and lead to the Gods of Life and Death calling for the first God Council.

The first council would discuss the ethics of the ongoing war, ways to avoid events like this fight in the future, and the possibility of ending the war. No consensus would be reached, but discussions during the council regarding definition of territory would lead to Hydrogen Cyanide creating the first plant. Hydrogen Cyanide would document the creation of the first plant in the Hydrogen Cyanide’s Plants star, which would quickly explode into the Plant Star System as other Gods began discussing ways to improve upon this design.




Prominent Figures

See Also