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Organisms are living things, created by the Gods during the God-War Era as a means of autonomous work. The first organism, an unknown algae-like asexual plant, was created by the God of Hydrogen Cyanide, documented in the Plant Star System. This creation would lead to what is known as the Iteration Period, birthing all the organisms known across the Plane today. Biology is the study of organisms, an umbrella science which covers a host of other sciences like anatomy, taxonomy, ecology, paleontology, and genetics.

Organisms are living things, created by the Gods during the God-War Era as a means of autonomous work. The first organism, an unknown algae-like asexual plant, was created by the God of Hydrogen Cyanide, documented in the Plant Star System. This creation would lead to what is known as the Iteration Period, birthing all the organisms known across the Plane today.

Biology is the study of living things, an umbrella science which covers a host of other sciences like anatomy, taxonomy, ecology, paleontology, and genetics.


The exact anatomy of organisms has a diverse and wide range, but there are structures that appear to unite all organisms. The Plant Star System has been greatly translated by astronomers and the host star of the system, created by Hydrogen Cyanide, gives a generalized schematic overview of the exact micro-operations which define organisms. Generally, according to the Plant Star system host, an organism is most importantly defined by its autonomy; they operate, move, think, and feel without input from outside systems. Importantly organisms are also defined by their structure; made of, or being, a cell, containing genetic information which can be passed down to relatives.


Shortly after the First God Council, in the year 523bt, the first organism would be created by the God of Hydrogen Cyanide. Inspired by discussions which had occurred during the council Hydrogen Cyanide would delve deep into research and study, creating autonomous units and thus inventing the first organisms. These organisms would be the first plants, simple asexual fragmentary algae-like organisms. Hydrogen Cyanide would document this in the Plant Star System, which would quickly explode with questions and outrage.

Hydrogen Cyanide would start what is known by historians as the Iteration Period. The iteration periods ending is marked by the passing of the Creations Act in the year 440bt. This would not end the creation of new organisms, but would greatly reduce the rate at which they were appearing, placing strict regulations regarding how organisms should operate and how Gods should create them.

It is unknown what the most recently created organism is, but is hypothesized by some to belong to some mammalian group. Within the spawn of the iteration period, however, almost all organisms known in the present day would be invented. Following the end of the God-War populations of organisms would no longer be supported by Gods, and a majority of species went extinct. This is known as the Great Dying.


Taxonomy is the study of the classification of organisms. Tri-criterial classification was one of the first great theories of biological taxonomy. Tri-criterial classification sorts organisms according to three criterion, their diet, body plan, and historic niche. Tri-criterial classification is now widely considered an obsolete form of taxonomic ranking of organisms, replaced with the more widely recognized evolutionary classification. Evolutionary classification poses that Gods conceptually or physically added to or modified organisms in order to create new organisms, creating a tree-like structure of evolving ideas.

Within evolutionary classification the idea of taxa and common ancestors arises. Taxon are populations of related organisms, for instance the taxon for worms includes any populations of animals which share a common ancestor which lacked an internal skeletal structure and any external manipulable limbs. The current most plausible evolutionary classification taxonomical tree, proposed by Charles Darwin in his work Evolutionary Classification In The Modern World, proposes over 100 separate taxa of animals and plants. This evolutionary tree has been built upon in more recent works, like

See Also