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Gods are beings of varying power and abilities, often primordial in their age and near-infinite in their wisdom. Gods have shifted and often forged history, their names and stories dotted across the sky in the form of stars.
Gods can be created and, due to the Harmonic Treaty, are only capable of controlling the element of nature they are delegated to. Before the signing of the Harmonic Treaty Gods were capable of controlling any element of nature they had wished, which is partially part of the reason for the God-War.
The history of Gods is also the history of the Plane, see the List of Years for a comprehensive overview of history, or see respective pages for Gods for their singular histories.
There are two ways Gods can be created; delegation of another Gods domain, or the creation of a new element in nature. Both of these are rare events in the modern day, but the former was quite common in the past.
There are only two examples of the latter, having been the creation of Life and Death and the creation of Harmony. Life and Death were the first Gods to be created, meaning they could not have come into existence by subdivision of an existing domain. Harmony came into existence with the signing of the Harmonic Treaty and the creation of the element of harmony within nature.
On the contrary, the former method of creation is seen throughout history quite often. Every God besides the formerly mentioned were created through this method, the subdivision or existing Gods domains.
Gods are often summoned to areas of natural concentration, when their respective element of nature becomes thick in an area the God of that element may be summoned. Purposefully summoning Gods is an ongoing area of research and debate by scholars, but could prove to have practical effects.
There are few recorded instances of people summoning Gods and nearly all of them happened by accident. One of the most notable and well-known instances is the case of Time Wizard Man who, during an experiment, manipulated time and summoned the time trinity, Past, Present, and Future.
Gods are inherently tied to magic across the Plane, being the source of God Tongue and grafting.
God Tongue is the language of nature, spoken only fluently by Gods. Many animals, including Humans and Elves, can understand simplified versions of God Tongue allowing them to cast spells and write enchantments. Astronomers translate stars, the true form of written God Tongue, in an attempt to further humanities understanding of the language and enhance magic.
Grafting is a more grotesque form of magic, often considered to be a banned practice in many places. Grafting is the act of replacing or adding body-parts onto oneself by attachment of a Gods limb, often referred to as God parts. It is unknown of any Gods opinion on grafting.
The act of grafting is often performed by wizards in an attempt to further their manipulation and power over nature. However, grafting is known to have greatly disadvantageous effects on its host. Often grafters replaced limbs will act separate from their mind and grafters can even begin to have disillusion and spouts of psychosis and hallucinations.
The importance of Gods to nature is often measured using Perennial Classification which groups Gods into two categories, Lesser and Higher Gods. These groups are simply defined. Lesser Gods are Gods who, when killed, would not have an effect on nature. Higher Gods, alternatively, are Gods who when killed would have an effect on nature.
Another popular method of importance classification is the (Name)‘s Index, which classifies Gods importance by how many Gods they are related to. This index is often used by historians studying the God-War Era and the relations between Gods during that time.
Other methods for classification of Gods exist but are not used as often as either of the two mentioned previously.