Lore Ledger #6


Previous Ledger: Ledger 51.2024

Next Ledger: Ledger 3.2025

Welcome to the sixth Lore Ledger. This time around we do have a lot to cover, though not much has happened on the pages front. I have pushed the deadline date for the current God-War project back because I am a master procrastinator, but also because the scope was larger than I had initially hoped for, including a rewrite of the entire God-War Era page.

Project Updates

The God-War project is absolutely not going to be finished by the previous date thanks to a number of factors. I’ve pushed it back by another two weeks. My goal is to have the Geography During the God-War page finished by this week, and then use that as a foundation to start bouncing around to other pages.

God-War History


Started: 50/2024

Deadline: 5/2025

The objective is to have the God-War era pretty well fleshed out in terms of a timeline. The project includes a rewrite of the primary God-War page, the timeline page, and a graphic providing a general overview of the war (Think something like a histomap).




  • God-War Era Rewrite; Removed in favor of just doing the rewrite directly on the God-War Era page.
