Lore Ledger #5


Previous Ledger: Ledger 50.2024

Next Ledger: Ledger 2.2025

Welcome to the fifth ledger! Work on the history of the God-War has been going smoothed and progressed nicely. The timeline of the war has been squished down from nearly 600 years to only 178. There is a brand new section of indexes in the History topic, the centuries and decades which can be more properly explored using the List of Years page. Though they are empty at the moment the pages related to the God-War portion of history (BT (Before Treaty)) should be filled and completed alongside the God-War History project.

Project Updates

Climate has been complete. A new project has begun.

God-War History


Started: 50/2024

Deadline: 3/2025

The objective is to have the God-War era pretty well fleshed out in terms of a timeline. The project includes a rewrite of the primary God-War page, the timeline page, and a graphic providing a general overview of the war (Think something like a histomap).


Most changes have been in images (of which there are now a lot of maps.), which are not logged in the changelog.



  • God-War Timeline Ext.; Removed for the time being. Not sure why I had created this in the first place.
  • Timeline; No longer up-to-date and replaced by List of Years.
